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Bibliography – Bear River & Related |
Auburn Ravine/Coon Creek Ecosystem Plan Projects, Placer County Planning
Department, Foothill Associates, 2004
Auburn Ravine/Coon Creek Ecosystem Restoration Plan, Placer County, April 30, 2004 Bear River Coordinated Resource Management Plan Resource Guide, Nevada County Resource Conservation District, January 2004 Bear River Watershed Coordinator Grant Proposal to the California Department of Conservation, Nevada County Resource Conservation District, November 17, 2003 Bear River Watershed Plan, Draft, Nevada County Resource Conservation District, January 2004 California Department of Fish and Game (CDF&G), 1913 Report on Fish Conditions, Fish Bulletin No 1; 1-48 CDF&G, Bear River Garden Bar Project Study, unpublished draft, 1992 CDF&G, Central Valley Salmon Investigations, Report of the Bureau of Marine Fisheries, 38th Biennial Report, 1942-44, pp 38-40, 1946 CDF&G, Central Valley Salmon and Steelhead Restoration and Enhancement Plan, 1990 CDF&G, Restoring Central Valley Streams: A Plan for Action, November 1993 California Department of Water Resources, Bulletin 155 [Descriptions and purposes and regulation of all California water agencies and districts] California Department of Water Resources, California Central Valley Unimpaired Flow Data, Third Edition (1921-1992), August 1994 California Department of Water Resources, CDEC Station List, http://cdec.water.ca.gov [Stage and flows of the eight gages on the Bear River] California Energy Commission: Power Plant Database, www.energy.ca.gov/database/POWER_PLANTS.XLS [All energy plants by type and location] Central Valley Project Improvement Act: Tributary Production Enhancement Report, US Fish & Wildlife Service, May 1998 Clark, G.H., 1929, Historical and Statistical Review of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Salmon Fishery (Part 1) Survey of Salmon Spawning Grounds of the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Systems (Part 2). CDF&G Fish Bulletin No 17, 1-47 Clark, G.H. and BW Everman, 1931, A Distributional List of Fresh-water Fishes Known to Occur in California, Fish Bulletin No 35 Cook, Sherburne, Colonial Expeditions to the Interior of California: Central Valley, 1820-1840 Derby, George, The Sacramento Valley from the American River to Butte Creek, Quarterly of the California Historical Society, vol 11 no 2, 1932 Elsasser, Albert, Aboriginal Use of Restrictive Sierran Environments, Papers on California Archaeology; 63-69 Feather-Bear Rivers Levee Setback Project, Final EIR, Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority, EDAW, November 2004 Hanson, P, Chinook Salmon survey of Secret Ravine, Miners Ravine, Antelope and Doty Ravine Creeks, Placer County, CDF&G Region 2, 1985 History of Nevada County, Thompson and West, 1880 History of Placer County, W.B. Lardner and MJ Brock, Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, 1924 Hydrologic and Water Rights Analyses for Feather, Yuba and Bear Rivers, US Fish & Wildlife Services, CH2mHill, February 1999 Initial Study and Proposed Negative Declaration for Canal Expansion to the South Sutter Water District Conveyance System, MBK Engineers, August 2002 James, L Allan, Historical Transport and Storage of Hydraulic Mining Sediment in the Bear River, California, 1988 Keyes, James H, vs Little York Gold Washing and Water Company, No 6659. In Carpenter 1878-79, #53 California Reports, Sutter County Kroebar, A.L., The Valley Nisenan, Coyote Press, 1920 Land Acquisition and Management Plan For the Feather-Bear Rivers Levee Setback Project, Yuba County Water Agency, EDAW, June 2004 Marlin, P.E., McKinney, WR, and Moore, FL, Intermittent Streams as
Rearing Habitat for Sacramento River Chinook Salmon, 1996 Meadow Vista Vegetation Management Project, PTEIR, Chapter 7 Cultural Resources Moyle, P.B. and Nichols, RD, Decline of the Native Fish Fauna of the Sierra Nevada Foothills, Central California, American Midl. Nat. 92: 72-83 Nevada Irrigation District (NID), Cole Viet Encasement: Preliminary Review and Initial Study June 2004 NID, Nevada Irrigation District Fact Sheet NID, Memorandum of Understanding Between PG&E and NID In Re Proposed Bankruptcy Plan of Reorganization, August 28, 2002 NID, Raw Water Master Plan Update, May 1993 NID, Urban Water Management Plan 2000 Update (UWMP), October 2001 Nevada County, Natural Resources Report, A Scientific Assessment of Watersheds and Ecosystems, 2002 Olsen, William H and Francis A Riddell, Salvage of the Rio Oso Site, Yuba County, California, Archaeological Report (California Division of Beaches and Parks), Coyote Press Papers on Nisenan Environment and Subsistence, Center For Archaeological Research at Davis, Publication Number 3, 1972 Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) Fact Sheet, PCWA PCWA, Surface Water Supply Update for Western Placer County, March 13, 2001 PCWA, Urban Water Management Plan, PCWA, Brown and Caldwell, December 2000 Placer County Water Agency’s Western Placer County Water Supplies, PCWA, March 1, 2000 [Includes CH2mHill attachments, September 15, 2003, “Appendix: Projected Buildout Demands for Planning Areas” and “ Summary of PCWA Water Supply Entitlements”] Preston, L.G., 1986 Chinook Salmon Spawning Estimate, Bear River, Placer County, Memo of January 16, 1987, CDF&G files Region 2, Rancho Cordova Public Utility Commission, PG&E Divestiture, Draft EIR, November 2000 RD 784 Supplemental Flood Control Improvements of the Yuba and Feather Supplemental Flood Control Project, YCWA, August 2004 Resource Decisions, A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Flow Alternatives Associated with Pacific Gas & Electric’s Rock Creek-Cresta Project Relicensing, December 28, 1999 River Advocate Hydropower Relicensing Training Symposium Manuel, California Hydropower Reform Coalition, February 7, 2004 Rivers of California, PG&E brochure, [Includes brief description and history of Spaulding, the Bear River Canal and associated powerhouses] Secret Ravine Adaptive Management Plan, Dry Creek Conservancy, December 2001 Shilling, Fraser and Evan Girvetz, Bear River Watershed: Disturbance Inventory and Spatial Data Encyclopedia, A Report for the Bear River Watershed Group and the Nevada County Resources Conservation District, U.C. Davis, 2004 Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project, Final Report to Congress, 3 volumes, University of California, 1996 Simpson, Richard, Ooti [A brief biography of Lizzie Enos, last of the old Nisenan] South Sutter Water District (SSWD) Water Management Plan excerpts, SSWD, June 2002 State Water Resources Control Board, Decision 1644, Exhibits from 1992 and 2000 hearings [Gives YCWA contract terms and FERC license] State Water Resources Control Board: SSWD Bear River Agreement, July 20, 2000, Order WR 2000-10, Order Implementing Flow Objectives for the Bay Delta Estuary and Conditionally Approving a Petition to Change Place of Use, Point of Diversion and Purpose of Use Under Water Rights License 11120 and 11118 of SSWD Stone, Livingston, “Report of Operations During 1872 at the United States Salmon-Hatchery Establishment on the McCloud River; and on the California salmonidae Generally: With a List of Specimens Collected.” In Report of the Commission for 1872 and 1873, United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Part 2, 168-215, Washington DC, 1874 Sullivan, Edmund and Randy Bailey, Streams of Western Placer County, Placer County, 2004 Summary of Current Conditions in the Yuba River Watershed, Upper Yuba River Studies Program Team, CH2mHill, October 2003 Swanson, M.L, The Miners-Ravine Creek Watershed Enhancement and Restoration Plan for the Reduction of Flood Hazards and the Enhancement and Protection of Environmental Resources, Swanson and Associates, Sacramento, 1992 United Auburn Indian Community Website, History, www.auburnrancheria.com United States Geological Survey (USGS), Bear River Flows at Camp Far West and Water Quality Profiles: Preliminary Draft Data Not for Distribution, March 5, 2003 USGS Mercury Bioaccumulation, Water Quality and Sediment Chemistry at Selected Abandoned Hydraulic Placer-Gold Mines in the Greenhorn Creek Drainage, Bear River Watershed, CA, 1999, 2001,Alpers, Charles, et al. USGS: Water Resources of the United States [Link to all USGS maps and projects by watershed] http://water.usgs.gov Upper Yuba River Studies Program, Water Supply and Hydropower Existing Conditions, Draft Report, July 2004 Wilson, Norman L, Nisenan People, Smithsonian Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 8 Winter, Thomas, et al, Ground Water and Surface Water A Single Resource,
USGS, 2002 Yuba County Water Agency History, Yuba County Water Agency, 1996 Yuba-Feather Supplemental Flood Control Project, DEIR, Yuba County Water Agency, EDAW, Jones & Stokes, October 2003
Foothills Water Network • PO Box 573 • Coloma, CA • 95613 • 530-919-3219